Jerry stood up for me when I was unable to do it for myself. A few short months later we had a deal on the table and I was dismissed of all charges. Jerry did it! He is my savior and guardian angel
Khash Salartash MD, FACS
When I was feeling the worst about my case and it felt like no one was my side - Jerry was on my side.

When the judge said "Do you know what will happen if you get convicted?"

I spontaneously paused for a few seconds and in that few second period of time Jerry read my mind and answered for me.

"We have been trying to talk to the opposing counsel for the last five years but they will not negotiate. We have offered a number of options to them and it seems none is to their liking."

That was the turning point in this case and the judge said to the opposition, "I think you can work out a deal. "

Jerry stood up for me when I was unable to do it for myself. A few short months later we had a deal on the table and I was dismissed of all charges. Jerry did it! He is my savior and guardian angel!

Khash Salartash MD, FACS
Salartash Surgical Associates